Are You Frustrated From Your Acne Saga
Acne is one of the major issue in our daily life, some people get pimples at an earlier age or some after the 20s well everyone loves the pimple free and healthy face rather than dusty and acne face.
If something is affecting the skin, it might mean something internal is going on. like, pimples, rashes, or changes on skin color/tone. Any of this could signify an internal issue that needs to be worked on for the skin.
Chinese face map is one of the coolest map it reveals our inner health issues and also how can we prevent from zits and acne.
Are you ready to check your inner health by examining pimples on your face?..well im pretty much excited to reveal the secret yayY!..
when we get pimples on our face as it go by the girls get this feeling "Omg this bloody Pimple" how to cure this ? what to apply?, this face cream that face wash and some of the girls are so impatient that they just only knew how to pop up a pimple
they think popping is the solution but its a big NO NO NO !
If you pop it, for the few hours it will be fine but after a few days you get the marks on your face and it looks ridiculous trust me dont ever pop your cute pimple he needs a love and care Lol...and hey how can we forget those girls who
just disappear like a Vampire :p they start hiding from people or try cover the acne and on on...
Do you always break out in the same places? lets know how to cure them with the "Face mapping" analysis....
Acne on the forehead indicates you have a problem in the digestive system and bladder,taking too much stress or sleep deprivation overactive mind, less intake of water, it also happens if you have build up the toxins in your body by eating excessive amount of spicy and high amount of junk food,drinking carbonated drinks which has nothing except the high amount of fructose,phosphoric acid and caffeine which causes Acne also make sure to check out if youre allergic to products like shampoos,creams, conditioners, and hair products which irritates and damages your skin.
Start drinking water as soon as you notice acne on your forehead,You need to have at least 8 large glasses of water each day the water will help you to flush out the toxins from your body, and avoid fizzy and caffeinated drinks.Get enough sleep with a regular sleep schedule, Eat clean and healthy diet focus on consuming raw food, try herbal tea,cinnamon water or green tea,Yoga, music or anything you feel so relax by doing also be useful to reduce stress.
Improper functioning of liver and gall bladder,High fat diet, Eating too much sugary foods and junk foods disturbs the liver function.
Eat cooling fruits and vegetables with high content of vitamin C (apple, cucumbers, oranges ,water melon) will help in providing you with a good positive mood,sleep at least for 6-8 hours, Cut out the alcohol, and greasy or spicy foods from your diet, Avoid eating late at night especially right before bedtime, At least do 30 minutes of moderate workout everyday, Practice better hygiene,
especially during the summer and if you wear makeup and/or sweat a lot,
Get plenty of fresh air, meditate & try to relax, eat green leafy veggies like arugula, spinach, mustard greens and chicory, Swiss Chard, Kale, & Cabbage to your diet.To detoxify your liver add some veggies to your diet like beets,Beets contain the flavonoid betalain which flushes out the toxins from your body and make your liver a healthy liver, & broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, boost the amount of glucosinolate in your body. Glucosinolate is an organic compound that increases the manufacture of enzymes in your liver that in turn support digestive health and help rid your body of toxins. Likewise, cabbage and kimchi activate two enzymes that detoxify your liver.Eat them raw, cooked or juiced, or add them to any smoothie recipe for a healthy & beautiful skin.
The area around your eyes and ears indicates the health of your kidneys. Anything that occurs around your eyes including dark circles indicates improper function of your kidneys and dehydration.if you have acne between brows or at arch this indicates a weak heart,taking too much stress will also increase the acne to grow rapidly, high Intake of tobacco and alcohol products are the major cause of acne or zits, also intake of poor quality of salt consumption and lack of essential nutrients from your diet.
The area around your eyes and ears indicates the health of your kidneys. Anything that occurs around your eyes including dark circles indicates improper function of your kidneys and dehydration.if you have acne between brows or at arch this indicates a weak heart,taking too much stress will also increase the acne to grow rapidly, high Intake of tobacco and alcohol products are the major cause of acne or zits, also intake of poor quality of salt consumption and lack of essential nutrients from your diet.
Drink plenty of water, Add one serving of artichokes to your daily diet they help the kidneys to filter out toxins from the blood and excrete them in urine, stay away from sweetened and caffeinated beverages these are the products that makes you dehydrated so avoid as much as possible as you can, please make the salt switch: switch from table salt to sea salt,Exercise at least 30 minutes daily to strengthen your cardiovascular system,this will help improve blood flow and oxygen to your kidneys while helping them process out toxins fastly, Avoid smoking & alcohol, Drink half a cup of water with 4 to 6 tbsp of apple cider vinegar daily before eating your meals it will helps to prevent from forming stones in kidney, consume less dairy products and have lighter and clean diet which are less in oil, butter, & ghee,Drink one to two cups of pure cranberry juice not from concentrate it will flush out the bacteria and toxins from your kidneys
Acne or zits on the cheeks whether right or left cheek shows that you have a problem in the Liver Respiratory system, as i said above in the para of (ACNE ON T-ZONE) your liver is not functioning properly, It happens if youre allergic to products(cosmetics,shampoos) staying in a dust,polluted area or using dirty makeup brushes, poor personal hygiene, Excessive intake of foods which are high in fiber,Eating too much, Malnutrition. Addiction to sweets (especially on empty stomach), coffee (especially with cigarettes), chips, crackers, bread rolls and junk food snacks can cause metabolism disorders and lead to pimples on cheek, Even your dirty hair bangs can also cause the acne,If you sleep on the side of your face, or use your mobile phone on this side, the germs and dirt can be transferred very easily and will clog your pores, causing breakouts.
It only pops out due to the poor dental health
Dont let your body overheat by eating spicy foods, avoid as much as you can replace them with healthy and good foods, Eat foods which are cool in nature like watermelon, Cucumber, Honeydew melon, Chia seeds, Peaches, Apples, Pineapple, Leafy Greens, Lemon, Zucchini, Relaxation is also the key to the healthy liver so try to keep positive mood, be happy, The liver is the strongest from 1-3 AM this is when you should be napping the liver is weakest at 1-5 PM, so schedule difficult work for the morning, Make sure youre keeping your body acidic free, Start the morning with fresh air and exercise, Dont overdo taking medicine and vitamins, All in good measure, Take problems in your stride, Choose the cosmetic products that dont provoke allergic reactions and avoid using the ones that irritate skin, Beauticians recommend using cosmetics made of natural raw materials, It is one of the best ways of how to prevent cheek acne,
Avoid alcohol and smoking, Try to wash your skin with a tar soap, but if your skin is rather dry, apply soap only to the pimples, Touching your face with dirty hands, for example, when sitting at your work desk Pay attention to your habits and avoid touching your face with dirty hands also say no to the the dirty beards, as it may lead to various serious consequences.
for the lower left cheek pimples, make sure youre brushing and flossing your teeths,use miswak stick which is very good for teeths and has number of benefits check out here Benefits Of Miswak and have a check up if you have a major pain or problem twice a year for a healthy gums.
#5 ACNE ON NOSE: The Heart ? and the Stomach (Digestive system, small intestine), Lack of vitamin-B in your diet,A swollen or bulbous nose is an indication of high blood pressure too,
Replace "Bad fats" into "Good fats" means lower your cholesterol level by eating foods which are high in omega-3 and omega-6,massage the area of your nose for better blood circulation,Intake moderate amount of meat and salt,Change your passive lifestyle go for a walk,do workouts,swimming,or dance do activities which keeps your heart healthy and fit,
Avoid pungent foods include: ginger, garlic, onion, asafoetida, cloves, cayenne, cinnamon, cardamom, cumin, thyme, sage, turmeric, wasabi, horseradish, mustard seeds and greens, radishes, black and green peppercorns,Eat cooling foods,Apply the mask of aloe vera which is v.beneficial to get rid off acne from your nose : Add crushed aloe diluted with water in equal parts,wet a napkin with this liquid and apply to pimples, Repeat it every other day during two weeks.
#ACNE ON LIPS: Using cheap quality lipstick, lip gloss or lip balm can cause pimples,not cleaning your lips after eating fried or greasy foods, you may get pimples on lips as a result of all that buildup of oil.People who smoke seem to develop pimples on lip more often than people who do not,If your body is going through hormonal changes caused by stress, puberty, menstruation or pregnancy, then you may develop pimples on lip,fluoride in your toothpaste can also react badly so change your toothpaste to one that does not contain fluoride,Massage your abdominal area in a clockwise motion, Consume fresh veggies and fruits, Can your pimples on lip just be caused by bad hygiene? Yes, indeed they can. If you do not take care of your lips just like you do any other part of your body, there will be problems,So if you do not clean and exfoliate your lips regularly, you should be prepared for a bout of pimples on lips at any time.
#ACNE ON LIPS: Using cheap quality lipstick, lip gloss or lip balm can cause pimples,not cleaning your lips after eating fried or greasy foods, you may get pimples on lips as a result of all that buildup of oil.People who smoke seem to develop pimples on lip more often than people who do not,If your body is going through hormonal changes caused by stress, puberty, menstruation or pregnancy, then you may develop pimples on lip,fluoride in your toothpaste can also react badly so change your toothpaste to one that does not contain fluoride,Massage your abdominal area in a clockwise motion, Consume fresh veggies and fruits, Can your pimples on lip just be caused by bad hygiene? Yes, indeed they can. If you do not take care of your lips just like you do any other part of your body, there will be problems,So if you do not clean and exfoliate your lips regularly, you should be prepared for a bout of pimples on lips at any time.
Exfoliate: Add a pinch of sugar/brown sugar and tbsp. of coconut or olive oil scrub onto your lips, vigorously enough to loosen the dead skin,leave it for a 1 minute, and then wipe off with a damp washcloth, by doing so youll notice the difference in your lips.
Period Hormones like testosterone fluctuate throughout your cycle and make your glands produce more oil, which can ultimately clog your pores and result in pimples,Most women find that cystic acne shows up just before or during their period and during times of stress and nervousness, which often triggers hormonal imbalances that cause acne breakouts, sleeping very little, drinking much caffeine or alcohol, Consistently eating the wrong foods,
So take more vitamins and eat healthier foods to fight jawline acne like food high in B-complex vitamins help fight off stress, Niacin also flushes the toxins from your system, helping cleanse your skin. Increase your water intake and try to avoid too much carbonated and sugary drinks. Consume plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, which will also help your skin look clearer.
Do not touch your pimples,Your hands are full of awful bacteria which are just waiting for the right environment to proliferate, Some people also love to remove acne by surgery if youre ok with that go for it .....and if youre suffering from major acne issues you should see your dermatologist or doctor and ask them to prescribe Spironolactone (also known as Aldactone), which is an anti-androgen that works to limit your hormonal fluctuations that contribute to breakouts that causes acne.
I hope you say b bye pimples soon the way i do :)
I hope you say b bye pimples soon the way i do :)
Now that you are aware of the different causes and cures for Face acne, you can simply follow the above-mentioned steps in
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Are You Frustrated From Your Acne Saga
Reviewed by hunti
11:44 PM